Shirl: Thoughts & Shots
Rowan: Paroxysms
Year-End Card & Shows Watched

A little piece of photography in our room at the Alibi Guesthouse

by the owner of the Alibi Guesthouse, Christian, who is from France.  He took this picture in 1994 here in Cambodia, where people, still to this day, ride on the top of all sorts of vehicles.  These guys spent hours on the top of this *moving* train!


Your first introduction to the Alibi Guesthouse in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

A hilarious fair warning sign on the inside of the door to our room at the Alibi (pronouced "alley-bee") - see the galleries for more pictures of this wonderful $12 per night guesthouse!!!


Pauline, the magic seamstress, fixes Shirl's bag!

So here is Pauline, at the Alibi Guesthouse in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, beginning to work on Shirl's bag, which is weary from the road like Shirl sometimes feels, and bursting at the seams, even though we think we are carrying less at this point!

Magic hands

And the final result - success!


Pier scene in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

I am really hungry, said the big boat.

And I am full of rice, said the much smaller freighter.


Scene on a street in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Don't you love how kittens can sleep wherever they are, in whatever position?

And yes, that is a cage of birds just above them; I don't think the kittens realize how close they are to some real fun!